Monday, April 26, 2010

What a week................

Phew!!! What a week!!!! I have never been so busy in all my life!!!!

Our school musical opened and closed last week! We had a week of full on rehearsals, after months and months of fairly laid back ones...I was at school every night till god knows what time....I was the Assistant Director.....we had 5 shows in 3 days and a cast of 50 kids to take care of. We did Seussical the Musical and if I may be so bold and bias....the kids were AWESOME!!! it is a really fun show and the whole time was a blast...BUT.....

Due to the late night hectic nature of the theater I didnt exercise and I ate pretty much on the run....I tried soo hard not to eat the wrong stuff and not to snack, but it is hard to do when the theater takes over. Dont get me wrong it is what I love love love to do....I just have not attempted theater and WW at the same time...its tricky!!!

Im feeling much better since the operation and today I managed a small session at the gym...not the treadmill or the pool...the actual gym. I am a little sore tonight but I think it is all going to be ok!!!

We are coming to the end of the school year here and I have to make a firm decision about my summer plans. I am worried if I son wants Disneyland.....i will not have the chance to work out regularly....if I stay here I know I will have full gym access and pool access during the working day....If i go home, well my parents are on 100 acres an hour out of Wagga so there is plenty to do to keep me active, but it would not make for an interesting summer story when I get back to who knows!!! BUt I have to make my decision and fast!!! Any thoughts??

I recently read an article about the thought process and positive thinking and creative visualisation.......essentially ...your thoughts create your world.....what you think you have and become....Does anyone buy into this? Does anyone have any thoughts on this whole thing? I read "the Secret", I have been captivated by this whole idea.....I dont know if I have the patience to see it through ......Can I have what I want in life simply by visualising it??? I would love to hear what you all have to say about this topic........

Well that is all for me now...I was going to have a rant about feeling pretty crappy about being single on my 35th birthday in a few weeks....but I have decided to forget the rant and try to think positively instead!!! Fingers crossed.......


Erin.x.x.x said...

Hi luvly...

Ya know...I actually think that might have some merit. The whole you are what you eat makes sense so why wouldn't that. I mean..think about it...we are visualising how we will feel and be at goal...and its happening. I have changed so much since I started this journey and I know you have and will as well.
Loving your disneyland idea....and there are a multitude of things to do to excercise...steps, swim, walk, I'm sure they have healthy options to eat...isn't it a law these days???

Anyway...looking forward to next intallment and new book update!!!

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